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Help us rebuild Kokums House

Tragically, on March 14th, 2020, Kokum’s House Men’s home was deliberately set on fire by an individual who is now charged with manslaughter and arson. The staff of the Cold Lake Native Friendship Centre were shocked and grieved by the loss of one of the residents and the house and all its contents.

A Gofund Me page has been started to raise money to help rebuild the Kokum's house men's shelter. Click on Make a donation below.


Kokum's House was opened July 1. 2015. This home was meant for the temporary stay for men until they found work, a home, or moved on. This home was created to provide a safe place for men in need, supporting sober living. Kokum's House was intended for men, however has housed women in emergency situations.


As the year progressed, men from Saskatchewan, St. Paul, Bonnyville, Kehewin, Edmonton, Vancouver, Fort McMurray, Elizabeth Settlement, Montreal, Cold Lake First Nations, Frog Lake, and more have come into Kokum's House. Some men used Kokum's House as their home while waiting to attend rehab centers within the area. Some felt it was too risky to find a place to live without money before they could find permanent work. Others had some government funding such as AISH, but felt they were unable to succeed independent living and have made Kokum's House their home. Those individuals have been allowed to stay on a room and board basis. Kokum's House is a place for any man that finds himself in a homeless situation, everyone is welcome. While men stay at Kokum's House they are encouraged to be independent and responsible. Some responsibilities include; household chores, volunteering, and active job search.

Zane Thain - Manager

Ph: (780) 594-7526

Cell: (780) 573-3352


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